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         2023 marks the 60th anniversary of the beginning of Anthropology 431 classes, the first accredited museology class in Canada. The class began as a way for students to curate their own museum exhibits in partnership with the Museum of Anthropology on UBC’s Vancouver campus. Past exhibition notes from previous classes can be found in the Audrey and Harry Hawthorn Library and Archives at MOA, named after one of the course founders, Audrey Hawthorn. 


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(Photos 1,2) These two photos in the exhibition were taken of the very first Anthropology 431 class in 1963 where the present day Museum of Anthropology stands on UBC’s Vancouver campus. 

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(Photos 3,4) These two photos showcase the 1977 Anthropology 431 class’ exhibit on Igbo masks from Southeast Nigeria entitled, “World of Spirits.” The exhibit was featured in the new building of the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) which opened in 1976. Photographed by J. Hamilton, July 1977. 

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(Photos 5,6) These photos feature Marnie Tavers, Carmel Boerman, and Skooker Broome creating the Popology exhibit at MOA in 1988. Anth 431 students participated in its creation along with MOA curator William McLennan. April, 1988.

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(Photos 11-20) These pictures are of the most recent iteration of Anthropology 431, the class which put these cases together! Photos range from welding together the metal form lines of each case in the exhibit to working in the Digital Culture Lab in the Anthropology & Sociology building.


A Labour of Love

Audrey Hawthorn

Want to learn more about Audrey Hawthorn and the history of Anthropology at UBC?


Written by Audrey Hawthorn in 1993, "A Labour of Love" is a detailed retelling of her role in the creation of the Museum of Anthropology at UBC. It also touches upon some of her other accomplishments and activities, such as curatorial work carried out by her and her students and the creation of the first museology course to receive accreditation in Canada.

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